Promoting Medical Device Integration
Overcoming The Challenges In Selecting Neuromonitoring Devices
Currently the intraoperative neuromonitoring (IONM) market is supplied by a variety of companies that produce essential surgical devices. This diversity complicates the process due to the lack of standardized compatibility for surgeons and hospital admins who evaluate and select the best solution for their clinical environments.
One of the most pressing challenges is the perception that a nerve monitoring system is ONLY compatible with its brand of IONM accessories. This narrative leaves clinicians and hospital administrators feeling limited to a single option when purchasing accessories like EMG electrodes or tEMG probes. It can also hinder exploring new systems that match surgical demands.

Neurovision Medical Products (NMP) has always prioritized universal compatibility to ensure that our single-use devices integrate with other nerve monitoring platforms and deliver reliable EMG signals.
NMP products showcase how standardized practices enable seamless compatibility of surgical accessories without compromising function or performance. With over 35 years of experience, NMP has been a leader in creating interoperable IONM devices.
We believe that a universal design provides healthcare facilities with the flexibility to choose what supplies best suit the needs of the clinicians and patients.
This approach is crucial for overcoming supply shortages that disrupt the healthcare system but removes barriers to innovation adoption and increases access to superior healthcare.
NMP's single-use accessories, such as the Cobra EMG tube, Dragonfly EMG tube electrode, DryTouch suction stimulator, Hummingbird EMG probe, and Mastodon paired needle electrodes, work seamlessly with most nerve monitoring systems, including our own Nerveäna Plus Eight Channel Nerve Monitoring System.
Clinical Review: Medical Device Integration
NMP single-use EMG Electrodes, Interoperable, Universal & Reliable
Mike Demarco, CNIM, has 35+ years of experience, totaling over 6,500 procedures, in intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring and has practiced at some of the country's most distinguished medical centers.
Mr. Demarco's extensive career requires him to monitor complex procedures across multiple IONM systems and an endless variety of EMG electrodes, including but not limited to Cadwell, Medtronic, and NMP. His expertise is the foundation of a comprehensive case study NMP facilitated to further validate the interoperability, primarily of Cobra and Dragonfly EMG electrodes, and instill confidence in the intraoperative neuromonitoring performance.
The clinical experience shared by Mr. Demarco underscores the compatibility and reliability of Neurovision Medical Products' EMG electrodes across different nerve integrity monitoring systems, reaffirming the company's commitment to medical device integration to clinical efficiency and promote patient safety.
How interoperability In IONM Surgical Devices Enhance Healthcare Procurement
Neurovision Medical Products' commitment to offering interoperable neuromonitoring devices aligns with the pressing need for transparency and reliability in healthcare procurement.
The recent economic events' direct impact on the medical supply chain has highlighted significant issues such as inventory shortages, frequent backorders, and recalls, often compounded by a lack of communication from suppliers. NMP's approach to device standardization and compatibility ensures that hospitals can maintain a more resilient and flexible supply chain. We want to help mitigate these common purchasing challenges.
During 2020-2022, this preemptive interoperable design theory enabled NMP to support our existing customers with minimal disruption to their IONM device needs and take on new customers during the supply crisis. Our proactive approach ensured that essential surgeries were performed with the necessary tools, allowing hospitals to avoid canceling procedures.
By prioritizing universal compatibility and robust device models, NMP enables healthcare facilities to adopt innovative technologies without being locked into specific vendors. This not only promotes superior patient care but also supports a more sustainable and cost-effective procurement strategy. The flexibility to integrate various IONM devices seamlessly enhances operational efficiency and reduces the risks associated with supply chain disruptions.
Neurovision Medical Products is dedicated to achieving medical device integration that significantly benefits the medical field's collective efforts. High-quality EMG electrodes with universal compatibility and function ensure valid, repeatable, and reliable nerve monitoring across various systems, ultimately contributing to better patient outcomes and more efficient healthcare operations.